Evening reception & Start Up Energy Transition Award ceremony

The evening reception on the first conference day is one of the highlights of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, serving as the melting pot of the Berlin Energy Week. Guests of the BETD and the partner events enjoy an exclusive networking opportunity with food and drinks in an exceptional location in the heart of Berlin. In cooperation with the SET Tech Festival the evening reception will host the Start Up Energy Transition Award Ceremony recognizing the most innovative start-ups working on ideas affecting global energy transition and climate change.

This year the evening reception will take place at the Tunnel at Potsdamer Platz. Planned as an underground station but never used as such the Tunnel was transformed into an impressive event location at a historic site. It is located in the center of Berlin, where the city was divided by the Wall into an eastern and a western sector until 1989. This historical location will be our starting point of the “journey to the future energy transition”.
Guests of the BETD are invited to join the evening reception and do not have to register separately. All other participants may register here soon.
There will be a shuttle service from the Federal Foreign Office and from the E-Werk to the event location.

Date: 24 March 2020 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Venue: Tunnel, Leipziger Platz 1, 10785 Berlin

Shuttle service from the Federal Foreign Office: between 6:00 pm and 7.15 pm every 15 minutes leaving in front of the Protocol Yard at Kurstraße
Shuttle service from the E-Werk: every 15 minutes
Public transport: U2 from Hausvogteiplatz (near the Federal Foreign Office) to Potsdamer Platz