Christiana Hageneder

Head of secretariat of the Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB). PEEB is a partnership programme initiated by France and Germany with the secretariat located at Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

Christiana Hageneder is a senior expert in energy efficiency in buildings with a master’s degrees in architectural engineering and in facilities management. Worked as an architect in Vienna and Paris, later as a researcher and international project manager for energy efficiency in buildings. Expert evaluator for the European Commission and for the Austrian government. 2012 – 2017 responsible for GIZ’s (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) Energy Efficiency Programme in Ukraine and since January 2018 head of the PEEB secretariat in Paris. PEEB acts under the umbrella of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, was initiated by France and Germany and supports globally countries to improve the energy efficiency in their building stock.