Nicolette Bartlett is the Director of Climate Change at CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project. CDP is an international not-for-profit organization providing the only global environmental disclosure system. In her role, Nicolette is responsible for ensuring CDP’s climate change strategy is delivered, writes and oversees many of its reports, and leads the team supporting the implementation of groundbreaking initiatives such as the Science Based Targets initiatives and RE100, and CDP’s work on carbon pricing delivered as a partner of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition.
Nicolette has been an author or reviewer for a number of publications, including the 2019 CDP global climate report; the annual CDP report on Internal Carbon Pricing; Carbon Pricing Corridors: the Market View;, the business chapter in the 2016 New Climate Economy report, a series of summary reports for business of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report; as well as publications analysing the potential of collaborative initiatives to increase ambition reductions internationally.
Previously Nicolette was a Senior Programme Manager at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, leading on international climate policy projects; including the international engagement of The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group, developing a Green Growth Platform in Pacific Alliance countries, supporting the development of business groups on climate change and research analysing the role that non-state actors play in driving down emissions.
Nicolette sits on the Steering Group of the RE100 initiative, as well as the Advisory Group to the CPLC’s High-Level Commission on Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness. She is also a Senior Associate at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.
A quote on the subject:
“Vision: Aligning our economies to a Net-Zero Emissions future is both daunting and exciting – energy is at the heart of it. The key question is: are we nearing a tipping point where the weight of capital moves away from fossil fuels? And will that point come suddenly?”