Edna Schöne

Edna Schöne acts as Member of the Board of Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft since 2015. Euler Hermes is the world’s largest credit insurer, a company of Allianz. Mrs Schöne is responsible for the Export Credit Guarantee Scheme of the German Government as well as for Legal & Compliance of the DACH-Region.

Being a lawyer she has worked for Euler Hermes in different positions in Legal as well as in Sustainability over the last 20 years. From 2009 to 2015 she became Head of Euler Hermes Liaison Office in Berlin. This office is the interface between Euler Hermes and the German Government.

With her profound expertise of German Export Business and the Export Promotion Schemes of the German Government, Mrs. Schöne is a member of several advisory committees to business associations and the export finance industry. As per May 1st 2019 Edna Schöne was appointed as Supervisory Board member of TenneT Holding B.V.

A quote on the subject:

“My vision for the energy transition: A powerful alliance of governments, companies and individuals. Governments setting the framework, companies investing in sustainable technologies, financial firms mobilizing capital, individuals using their influence as consumers and voters.”