Forecasts show that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by the year 2050. As a result, demand for energy and private transportation is set to increase exponentially – and pollution will rise accordingly. Are real significant changes within cities foreseeable? What solutions can really make a change? Can sectors such as agriculture or energy crossover be integrated into modern and future living environments? To see both small and large-scale urban solutions that may have an immense impact on our future, join us on this tour!
topic: Decentralisation
Hydrogen in the Energy System
Hydrogen, the most common chemical element in the universe and most commonly associated with water, is necessary for all living organisms. Hydrogen is currently being discussed outside the typical realms of chemistry and science, but why all the fuss now? Although hydrogen itself is not a source of energy, it serves as an important, clean energy carrier. To gain a greater understanding and to see what applications hydrogen can be used for, we will visit state-of-the-art technology and research institutions.
Efficient Buildings
Narratives from fossil dependency to low carbon development & Closing
The closing session is organised as a fireside chat between two leading figures. Global challenges, risks and uncertainties are associated with the energy transition and closely linked to profound changes and innovations in multiple sectors. Different narratives and framings – regarding, for example, a bold transition or a status quo – compete against each other. Will the storytelling from fossil dependency to low carbon development renewables align?
The objective of this one-on-one discussion is to make sense of opposing energy transition narratives and to provoke unconventional thinking on a meta level regarding the highly complex energy transition. This format aims to create a challenging and enlightening dialogue and set expectations for the future. Different modelling assumptions lead to different conclusions. Contrasting narratives about energy and sustainability in general may be useful for enriching points of view in the discussion on energy policies.
The Energy transition and social support: moving forward together?
While the past year saw a growing number of demonstrations across the world in support of the energy transition, this process brings with it a number of challenges in the form of increased investments, energy costs and new infrastructure. Certain initiatives show inspiring ways to address these challenges while fighting energy poverty and favouring citizen empowerment. This session aims to explore these and showcase best practices that are applicable to various countries.
REthinking – envisioning carbon free heating
The EU is the largest consumer of renewable heat globally, followed by the US, Brazil and China. The heating sector plays a crucial role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. There is a lot of potential for phasing out fossil fuel and switching to renewable heating solutions. Technology solutions are based on electricity or green gases and vary depending on their application and geography.
Smart market designs for the global energy transition
Market design is still very much determined and restricted by concerns regarding the security and quality of the energy supply. But how justified are these concerns in an age of ever-increasing digitalisation, despite the current limitations of existing grid and ICT infrastructure? And are these concerns rooted more in persistent and antediluvian patterns of thought inherited from the old centralist, hierarchical and exclusive energy world than founded on the actual limitations of grid and ICT infrastructure?
In addition, this session will address the inherent risks of new technologies for the energy transition, for example, new monopolies and new (digital) barriers that might exclude small-scale stakeholders like prosumers from engaging in a profitable way in the energy markets of the future.
Workshop Renewable Energies and Storage (Organized by Verband Beratender Ingenieure)
The German association of consulting engineers invites you to join us for a Workshop regarding renewable energies and storage. German engineering companies show their projects and describe real life solutions to the problems we face regarding the energy transition to a sustainable, carbon neutral future. If you are interested please apply using the green button below.
Decentralised Energy Systems
Pivotal to a successful energy transition is a switch from conventional and centralised energy generation to a decentralised system dominated by renewable energy generation and supporting technologies. But how does such a system work and what does it look like? To find out, join us on an excursion to one of the frontrunners in the renewable energy world.
Renewable Energy projects as vectors for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) (Organized by Agora Energiewende)
Strategies and best practices to promote regional development (Expert Workshop)
Based on the dichotomy between the opportunity and the threat that renewable energy projects represent to local communities, Agora Energiewende and Iniciativa Climática de México are calling for this workshop to discuss the experiences as well as practical best practice for the development of renewable energy projects as vectors for Mexico’s work towards achieving their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG’s).