Renewable Urban Solutions

Forecasts show that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by the year 2050. As a result, demand for energy and private transportation is set to increase exponentially – and pollution will rise accordingly. Are real significant changes within cities foreseeable? What solutions can really make a change? Can sectors such as agriculture or energy crossover be integrated into modern and future living environments? To see both small and large-scale urban solutions that may have an immense impact on our future, join us on this tour!


Future Heating

While cooling is a growing concern for increasing numbers of people around the world, what about the need for heating? In the northern regions, up to 70% of energy demand comes from heating alone. Efficient and sustainable heating solutions are, and will continue to be, crucial for a sustainable future. Join us to learn about innovative heating technologies and applications. Berlin has a lot to offer, and not just out of necessity!


Integrating Renewables in the System

Energy systems around the world are undergoing fundamental change, driven in particular by the increased availability of low-cost and intermittent renewable energy, distributed energy sources and advances in digitalisation. These changes constitute a profound energy-system transition away from predictable, yet carbon-intensive generation. To experience at first hand the large-scale integration of renewables in the future decentralised system, join us to learn about the innovative processes and technologies enabling the future integrated system.

REthinking – envisioning carbon free heating

The EU is the largest consumer of renewable heat globally, followed by the US, Brazil and China. The heating sector plays a crucial role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. There is a lot of potential for phasing out fossil fuel and switching to renewable heating solutions. Technology solutions are based on electricity or green gases and vary depending on their application and geography.