Future Heating

While cooling is a growing concern for increasing numbers of people around the world, what about the need for heating? In the northern regions, up to 70% of energy demand comes from heating alone. Efficient and sustainable heating solutions are, and will continue to be, crucial for a sustainable future. Join us to learn about innovative heating technologies and applications. Berlin has a lot to offer, and not just out of necessity!


Integrating Renewables in the System

Energy systems around the world are undergoing fundamental change, driven in particular by the increased availability of low-cost and intermittent renewable energy, distributed energy sources and advances in digitalisation. These changes constitute a profound energy-system transition away from predictable, yet carbon-intensive generation. To experience at first hand the large-scale integration of renewables in the future decentralised system, join us to learn about the innovative processes and technologies enabling the future integrated system.

The missing link? – How hydrogen empowers the energy transition

It may prove difficult to achieve the complete decarbonisation of various industrial sectors such as buildings, power or transport purely by means of electricity. One of the major advantages of hydrogen is that it is a versatile all-rounder for a host of applications. Renewable electricity can be used to produce hydrogen, which in turn can provide energy. Moreover, hydrogen produced from renewable electricity using electrolyser could facilitate the integration of high levels of variable renewable energy into the energy system, offering a flexible load and providing grid-balancing services.
Hydrogen could therefore be the missing link in the energy transition. As key hydrogen technologies are maturing (fuel cell vehicles, syngas etc.), hydrogen from renewables can help tackle various critical energy challenges. In particular, it could offer ways to decarbonise a range of sectors where it is proving difficult to meaningfully reduce CO2 emissions. All these aspects require the implementation of a forward-looking legal, political and technical regulatory framework.
This session will provide an overview of challenges and opportunities entailed in the large-scale application of hydrogen technologies.

High-hanging fruits: aviation and shipping

Aviation and shipping are two sectors that contribute tremendously to mobility, economic development and technological progress. At the same time, they pose major challenges to reducing emissions due to their structural reliance on oil-based fuels. Maritime transport emits around 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually, while one billion litres of kerosene are used worldwide in jet engines every single day.
The energy transition presents both wide-ranging challenges and opportunities for the aviation and freight industries. As the demand for aviation and shipping is increasing worldwide, decarbonising these two strategic sectors will play a critical role in achieving climate objectives.
This session will investigate barriers to energy efficiency in the shipping and aviation industries and reveal the potential for improvement. It will shed light on new approaches and promising technological solutions. The discussion will bring together policymakers and industry leaders, who together will examine and explain the steps needed to create the mobility sector of the future.