Linking policy and practice for clean energy transitions across sectors
Agora Energiewende and the International Energy Agency (IEA) are hosting a public event to discuss global perspectives for energy systems integration. The current trend towards electrifying transport, heating and industry represents a unique opportunity to decarbonise sectors, previously seen as hard to abate in terms of emissions. This, along with key resources such as hydrogen, contributes to broadening the scope of options to integrate ever greater shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) and accelerate the decarbonisation of the wider energy system. This event will shed light on the opportunities and challenges integrating electric vehicles into the power system and of synthetic fuel production and use.
Aviation and shipping are two sectors that contribute tremendously to mobility, economic development and technological progress. At the same time, they pose major challenges to reducing emissions due to their structural reliance on oil-based fuels. Maritime transport emits around 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually, while one billion litres of kerosene are used worldwide in jet engines every single day.
The energy transition presents both wide-ranging challenges and opportunities for the aviation and freight industries. As the demand for aviation and shipping is increasing worldwide, decarbonising these two strategic sectors will play a critical role in achieving climate objectives.
This session will investigate barriers to energy efficiency in the shipping and aviation industries and reveal the potential for improvement. It will shed light on new approaches and promising technological solutions. The discussion will bring together policymakers and industry leaders, who together will examine and explain the steps needed to create the mobility sector of the future.
While it is clear that electro – mobility is on the rise all over the world, questions remain as to which concepts and which technologies are possible, and more importantly, which are indispensable for a successful energy transition. For greater insight into the future of mobility, join us to learn about electric and alternative energy vehicle fleets, future mobility concepts, EV charging solutions and infrastructure, and the integration of electric mobility and smart grids.