According to the IEA, almost a quarter of global direct CO2 emissions comes from the industry sector. Which processes actually cause such emissions and how can we reduce or even eliminate them? To get an understanding of what can and needs to be done, we will visit highly efficient industrial sites, as well as sectors that are just at the beginning of the road ahead.
topic: Green Economy
Narratives from fossil dependency to low carbon development & Closing
The closing session is organised as a fireside chat between two leading figures. Global challenges, risks and uncertainties are associated with the energy transition and closely linked to profound changes and innovations in multiple sectors. Different narratives and framings – regarding, for example, a bold transition or a status quo – compete against each other. Will the storytelling from fossil dependency to low carbon development renewables align?
The objective of this one-on-one discussion is to make sense of opposing energy transition narratives and to provoke unconventional thinking on a meta level regarding the highly complex energy transition. This format aims to create a challenging and enlightening dialogue and set expectations for the future. Different modelling assumptions lead to different conclusions. Contrasting narratives about energy and sustainability in general may be useful for enriching points of view in the discussion on energy policies.
Unlocking the potential of green finance
Governments and financial supervisors are increasingly recognising the importance of sustainable finance in achieving financial stability and meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Green and innovative finance models and a shift away from carbon-intensive assets are a vital funding stream for investments. Green standards could help identify which projects are in line with the energy transition and to align investments accordingly.
From global goals to concrete action
The Paris Agreement asks each country to set national emission reduction targets and to develop a set of domestic measures towards achieving its long-term goals. These are known as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). In order to implement the NDCs, the climate goals need to be “translated” into concrete policy approaches, rules and regulations, public budgets and investment plans – both at the sectoral and sub-national levels. Sub-national players such as states, regions and cities are key actors in driving forward the energy transition by shaping low-carbon lifestyles and economic practices, building resilient infrastructure and developing social systems for a carbon-neutral future. However, clear and determined leadership and strong support by national governments is crucial in order to unleash the full transformative potential of subnational actors.
The aim of this session is to discuss how the Paris Agreement can be translated into programmes and concrete measures for implementation at the local level and to explore the role of national governments in supporting local actors.
Transforming industry for a green future
The industrial sector is both a global economic powerhouse and a major emitter of greenhouse gas emissions: industry emits about 28 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, of which 90 percent are CO2 emissions. In order to accelerate the global energy transition, industrial sectors must be decarbonised. Key areas of transforming industries are heavy industries such as steel, cement and chemicals, where renewables can be put to direct use. Another area is the interplay with the grid, where the industrial sector has huge potential for flexibility through demand-side management (DSM).
A Global Green Deal
There is a global agreement on reaching climate neutrality by 2050. To achieve this, the world needs a Global Green Deal with the transformation of the energy system at its heart. There is no middle way when it comes to combating emissions, and more than just energy is involved. One cannot argue with physics. How can we make economies and societies climate neutral? What are the implications for global trade? Which framework is needed to trigger a wide-ranging green stimulus? How will it change supply chains? How can we deliver on the different responsibilities and options of the global North and South? The transition to a green economy must be integrative, inclusive and holistic. What are the most promising concepts and what should be the next steps towards green transformation?
The energy transition as a competitive advantage
The energy transition is a millennium project with enormous benefits and opportunities for national economies as well as companies. Setting the course for the energy transition will create employment, guaranties low and stable energy prices and therefore offers attractive opportunities for companies with high energy demand. Through this structural transformation of the energy transition national economies create invincible locational advantages. National initiatives to support the private sector in Research and Development will additionally support a positive structural change. The session shall give an impression of the economic benefits for countries transitioning their energy production from conventional to renewable energies and present examples of companies supporting the transition of the energy system.
Official Conference Opening
This session will set the scene with the official opening of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2020 by the German Federal Government. Following the ministerial speeches, three young climate activists from around the world will present their views of the global climate crisis, and the President of the European Commission will present the European Green Deal. IEA and IRENA will then provide an outlook towards 2050.
Workshop Renewable Energies and Storage (Organized by Verband Beratender Ingenieure)
The German association of consulting engineers invites you to join us for a Workshop regarding renewable energies and storage. German engineering companies show their projects and describe real life solutions to the problems we face regarding the energy transition to a sustainable, carbon neutral future. If you are interested please apply using the green button below.